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Penetration Testing



Penetration Testing

Penetration testing helps detect and exploit security vulnerabilities in an IT infrastructure or its components. A penetration testing company with 16 years in the security domain, Techneiat assists in preventing possible breaches to the IT environment and reinforcing existing security controls.

We recommend to fulfill a pentest in case if:

  • Regularly scheduled analysis and assessments are required by regulatory mandates.
  • New network infrastructure or applications were added.
  • End-user policies were modified.
  • New office locations or extensions were established.
  • Significant upgrades or modifications to infrastructure or applications were made.
  • Corporate IT was significantly changed.

Ethical Hacking to Prevent a Potential Intrusion

Techneiat offers complete penetration testing services designed to identify system vulnerabilities, validate existing security measures and provide a detailed remediation roadmap.
Our team, equipped with the latest tools and industry-specific test scenarios, is ready to deliver a thorough checkup to pinpoint system vulnerabilities, as well as flaws in application, service and OS, loopholes in configurations, and potentially dangerous non-compliance with security policies.


penetration testing - cybersecurity

At the end of the penetration testing procedure, we provide our customers with an extensive set of reports and recommendations to effectively eliminate the detected breaches:

  • Brief description based on the achieved results and findings.
  • List of detected system vulnerabilities and their classification according to how easy they are to exploit and how harmful for the system and business they may be.
  • List of changes in the system that were implemented during testing.
  • Test protocol (including instruments and tools used, parts that were checked and issues found).
  • Actionable recommendations to eliminate the revealed security issues.

Penetration Testing Benefits

Complete view of vulnerabilities - detailed information

We provide detailed information on real security threats, help to identify the most critical and less significant vulnerabilities along with false positives, so that the Customer can prioritize remediation, apply needed security patches and allocate security resources.

Avoiding the cost of system/network downtime - uptime all the time

Techneiat’s team provides specific guidance and recommendations to avoid financial pitfalls by identifying and addressing risks before attacks or security breaches occur.

Regulatory compliance - quality is all about compliance

The detailed reports generated after penetration testing help to avoid fines for non-compliance and allow to illustrate due diligence to auditors by maintaining required security controls.

How Much Will It Cost for Your Project?

We shape the final price based on the number of targets and the required testing methods. We will be pleased to provide an estimate for your project.